Christ Had to Die – Part 8

In the midst of chaos God penetrated His created order. The plight of humanity’s spiral was moving closer and closer to doldrum. Would man realize that though he may advance within his environment he still has a deep need? Would there be someone who would stand against the current of that day, and call men back to a right relationship with God? Would there be a second Adam to the rescue to liberate man from his recklessness? The answer simply is no. There was no one righteous, no not one. Humanity was in such a state of decay and deprecation that it appeared that all hope was lost. But God, rich in mercy and teeming with grace, to the rescue came…His choice had been made–His foreknowledge will now be displayed. The man, Abram, will be His ambassador. It will be through this man and his family that God would reveal not only His grace and mercy, but would restore man back to his privileged position of fellowship and intimacy with his Creator. Yes, God will, through this marked man, make a way for the slaves of humanity to be set free–the captives to be delivered–and will show them the very heart and lovingkindess of Himself. Could there be any greater God?

However, this Abram didn’t bring God from heaven in amazement of his righteous living. Rather, God chose him before the foundations of the world to be His representative to the nations, and to be a display of His character. This was not to be the second Adam, but it would be the pattern from which faith would be understood. God would not take the strong in order to accomplish His purposes. No, no, God will, through a weak man, show Himself strong. And so it is with God. He takes the weak and makes them strong in His power. He takes the humble and elevates them in His timing. This is God’s method, and it will not change throughout history. What does God require of Abram? Faith. Will you trust Me? Will you place your life in My hands? Will you submit yourself to My word and way? Will you place your emotions, your will, your desires, your ambitions, your hopes, your dreams, your planning, your anticipations, your longings, your heart, and your soul in My hands? That is what God is asking of this “servant of other gods” from Ur of Chaldees… Simply, will you trust Me?

How did Abram respond?

Now the Lord said to Abram, ‘Go forth’“So Abram went forth as the Lord had spoken to him…”
Genesis 12:1, 4

That’s it…the seed of faith was germinating in an initial act of obedience. Here is a man in a world of chaos that is doomed in depravity now walking in obedience to the One true God. Despite the call of the world, God’s target had been painted, the arrow was released, and just like that–it found its mark. Abram’s response was immediate, it was unflinching, and it was an abandonment of his old way of living. God’s call on His beloved won’t change. Before the foundation of the world they are known…

The stage is now set for the unfolding of God’s plan–a patch of color will slowly appear back on the canvas amidst a bleak black and white background. The world will not know what to do with this marked man (and his family), but he will set forth the pattern of faith that will be cast for all of God’s children in the years to come.

Glory to God–He is making a way! Where there seemed to be no way, God has made a way!

— June 24, 2016