
Agitate…rousing to activity, stirring up

Have you ever been driving behind a concrete truck and watched as the oversized mixer spins its contents inside?  Has it ever crossed your mind as to what might happen to the mixer if it were to stop spinning for even a short period of time?  The concrete would set and harden, which would render it useless for its intended purpose, as well as risk destroying the vessel in which it resides.

A Day in the Life.

As the sun begins to set the traffic picks up as he leaves work.  The garage door opens, and he enters his home.  He exchanges the normal greetings, changes into his comfortable clothes, sits down in his nice comfortable chair, is served his favorite beverage, food, and TV program before he quietly ushers himself to the bed–which brings another day to a close.  He wakes up, walks to the coffee pot, turns it on, grabs a snack and takes a shower only to be ready for his first cup of coffee.  The early morning news and traffic report queues his mind into gear as puts on his suit–then packs a lunch and starts his car.  The day has begun–life is slowly and methodically slipping away.  Before he knows it, this will be his pattern for the next 25-some years.  He tells himself that his kids are okay, his wife is fine, and his retirement is secure—at least so he thinks as he reflects for the one-minute he’s stopped at the red-light next to his neighborhood.

However, the reality is, his wife longs for his affection and attention, but she never gets it.  The kids want a role model and a mentor, but they are forced to find it from outside sources.  His retirement is locked into the market, but to the world’s surprise loses all of its value within a 6-month period.  

But, nothing happens, it’s status quo in his life–hi-ho, hi-ho, off to grind he goes.  No looking to Christ, no gospel conversations, no confession or saying, “I’m sorry”–just sporadic time flipping through his Bible, prayers at the dinner table when that occurs, and a marginal commitment to any church…just enough to pacify the subtle guilt rendered from his upbringing.

Bringing it Home.

How easy is it for us to resemble even a little bit of this man’s life?  Easy. All too easy.

And, if we are not proactively dealing with the worldliness that slowly creeps in, we will waste our lives.  Hard statement?  Yes, for sure.  Hard for me too because I am just as susceptible to this trap as anyone.  It doesn’t matter what you do or how your day is ordered.  We all have this temptation before us.  The question is–do you have people in your life that are willing to speak plainly to you about how you are investing it?

“And let us consider and give attentive, continuous care to watching over one another, studying how we may stir up (stimulate and incite) to love and helpful deeds and noble activities…”
Hebrews 10:24 (AMP)

Men, are you availing yourself to at least 1 man; ladies, are you making time to sit and learn from at least 1 woman?  If not, why not?  For many of us it’s that we’re too busy.  I really don’t know how else to say it, and I certainly feel the vortex myself.  However, we are too busy not to have someone speaking the truths of God’s Word, the gospel message, and wisdom and insight on everyday practical living into our lives.  We don’t need an expert.  We just need someone who is a little further down life’s journey, and is willing to look back and say, “Here’s something from the Word, or from experience that you need to be aware of.”  And will also be willing to point out our blind-spots.  It’s never to late to find someone who will invest their lives into your lives in this capacity.  Something to look for as you seek this person–do they stir you to love and good deeds?  Pray that God will send someone to do just that–until He calls us home!

— February 26, 2016