The Ancient Paths & Good Way


By now you have probably heard the news that the Supreme Court has ruled in favor of same-sex marriage—passing 5-4. If not—well—you have now… This has perhaps brought to the fore (or soon will) many questions that will no doubt lead to discussions in both the public and private squares (in homes, in schools, in businesses, in education, in the neighborhoods, in churches, etc.).

What is one to do, to think, to say?

This age, this culture, this period of time in history is unique—almost overwhelming in many ways. These times are—well, really—unprecedented with the exponential advancement of technology: physically in machinery, production, manufacturing, shipping/receiving, air travel, etc., as well as electronically with the computer, smart phone, tablet, information accumulation and dissemination, and processing. While at the same time of connectivity, we have become inundated—which is why one can be surrounded by millions of people, but be the most lonely person. How can one be connected to more friends through social media, but feel the sting of rejection when a post isn’t liked or a tweet isn’t retweeted? In many ways, ours is a globally connected world of co-dependency in this new-paradigm of information exchange. The world is our neighborhood—electronically speaking! Thus, to be without a smart phone, a computer, or a TV would have the potential to send one into shock. The email must be checked, the text must be answered, and the Facebook post must be liked—if not, well, that’s not an option…is it?

And then we get the news on June 26, 2015…Man and man, as well as woman and woman will now have the same constitutional rights as a man and woman in marriage. The definition of marriage as biblically founded, supported, and understood is now REDEFINED.

How does one process this information? This new American reality?

These questions and many more must be asked—they must be considered. This is not another drop in the bucket of information exchange. No, this is not a trivial matter…nor was Roe v. Wade.

We must engage, we must press in, we must reject the temptation to bury this among the myriad noises the culture pours forth.

But HOW?

I will go back, Ad Fontes! To the Source!

I will “…stand by the ways and see and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is, and walk in it…” (Jer. 6:16)

Will you come with me?

Let us begin this journey by:

“…meditating on His Word day and night…finding that He causes [our] leaves to remain and not wither and fruit to be borne in season…” (Ps. 1)

“…communing with Him and seeking His face…” (Ps. 27)

TO THE SOURCE! Let it start in our own life…let it move to our marriages…let it move to our children…to families…to friends…to co-workers…to neighbors…to…

Whereas the culture will congratulate, I will confess…my sins and the sins of my nation.

Whereas the culture will roister, I will recognize and repent of the functional idols that my heart has  worshipped besides the Triune God.

Whereas the culture will rejoice, I too will rejoice…albeit only in the Lord—for He is good.

Whereas the culture will rally, I will rethink how to bear out the gospel of Jesus Christ: each of the sin causing, bloody and humiliating, wrath satisfying, death defying aspects of the gospel.

Whereas the culture will praise self expression, I will pray for the spirit of this age to be dispelled by the piercing and powerful message of the promise of eternal life by grace through faith in the the finished,  substitutionary, propitiating, and atoning work of Jesus Christ.

Whereas the culture will scoff, I will stand…on the foundation of the inerrancy of the Bible, the sufficiency of the Bible for every facet of life, the relevance of the Bible for every age and season, and the power of the Triune God that inspired the men to write the 66 books of canon for the building up of His body and the saving of His elect.

Whereas the culture will justify their desires, I will preach justification by grace through faith in Christ, as well as sanctification and the conforming work of the Holy Spirit upon each adopted son or daughter in the  beloved to the image of Jesus Christ—not this world.

Whereas the culture will gather around baseless morals & ethics, I will gather with the saints in local body of His Church—to edify, encourage, and build one another up from the foundation established upon the Truth of His Word.


— June 27, 2015