The way…

As dinner was winding down in the upper room where Jesus and His disciples were casually dining, our Lord made a most remarkable statement…”do not let your heart be troubled.”  He had already surprised His disciples by washing their feet, speaking of betrayal, talking about Him leaving them, and now He comforts them.  It is a gentle and direct point that Christ is making to His most intimate companions.  “...believe in God, believe also in Me,” Jesus says.  He is calling them to something greater–something future, and something more delightful than any earthly kingdom or power could ever satisfy.  And then He describes it–the expanse of His Father’s abode–“In My Father’s house are many dwelling places.”  But, He doesn’t leave it there; no, no, He lets them into a beautiful promise–a promise yet to be fulfilled, “…I go to prepare a place for you.”  That’s it!  That’s the glorious tomorrow.  That there is a place even now being prepared–a place in the home of the Father–that Christ is preparing is remarkable.

Can you imagine how wonderful that place is?  It’s unimaginable, and yet it’s a promise that extends to all those who believe in God.  But, there is more, yes much more!  This access to the Father is specific, and it comes through the way.  The way is a certain way, it is the only way to the Father, and Christ clarifies by stating that, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.”  Our Lord in one sentence laid down a doctrinal tenet that demands thoughtful consideration.  In no uncertain words, Christ made clear the only path to the Father’s house.  This path is the way, and the way is Christ.  He is the access, He is the door, He is the good Shepherd who knows His sheep, and He has made straight the path for them to walk.

But, He doesn’t leave it there; no, no, He says that, “I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever.”  This Helper is the Holy Spirit, who is, “the Spirit of truth.”  This is the Holy Spirit who, “will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.”  Christ then elevates His discourse by clarifying how one is to know that they are on the way by saying that, “He who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me; and he who loves Me will be loved by My Father.”  This is further explained when Christ says, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our abode with him.”  Incredible–He has just given the principle for the journey through the way.

What a profound discourse that our Lord has with His disciples, and yet it still applies to us today.  Christ, laid down a promise and a principle.  The promise–a place in the Father’s house that He prepares.  The principle–keeping His commandments and His word.  How do we keep His commandments and His word?  We are made doers of His Father’s will.  How are we made doers of His will?  He brings us forth from death to life.  How does He bring us forth from death to life?  By His word.  How does His word bring us from death to life?  It is through hearing the preached word, and the regeneration of the Holy Spirit.  What is the result?  The result is a new life in Christ.  What are the results of this new life in Christ?  We are free to keep His commandments and His word, because He has put them on our hearts.

What does this mean for us today?  If you have transferred your trust from your moral life to make you right with God, to believing (by grace through faith) that the person and work of Christ is the only way to be made right with God, then you are a Christian.  All the promises of God are given to you.  You are made a doer of His will, His word, and His commandments.  Your being made right with God was His work in your heart, and therefore it will last forever.  Nothing will snatch you from the Father’s hand.

Thus, we can live and not let our heart be troubled!

How?  Because He has made the way to the Father known by manifesting Himself!  He is the way, the truth, and the life!  Moreover, He has placed us on the way and given us the way we are to journey along.  His work and His word–glory to God in the highest!

Click here for the full chapter of John 14.

— March 26, 2016