Decision Grid…

We all make decisions. Some are less important than others, and some have less consequences than others. But, what if you had a grid to help guide you through the bigger decisions in life? It’s easy to get paralysis of analysis and find yourself in a rut. For instance, what if you had a simple grid to help you decide if you should take this job or that job? To serve in this ministry or that ministry? To send your kids to this school or that school? Ad infinitum…

So, what is a practical grid to help guide bigger kinds of decisions?

Below is a simplified version of what I call the 5F Decision Grid

  1. Fit – Does this opportunity fit your spiritual gifting and personality?
  2. Faith – Does this opportunity require you to step out in faith and trust God?
  3. Friends – What do your friends and mentors feel about the opportunity?
  4. Family – Does this opportunity fit your family’s season of life?
  5. Future – Put yourself 5, 10, and 20 years out…what decision will you feel will be the most God-honoring?


Make a decision and trust the Lord!

— May 20, 2016