The Powerful Little Tongue

Image by Ian Lindsay from Pixabay

A war is waged with it—a war is surrendered with it…  

“So also the tongue is a small part of the body…”
James 3:5

Oh you little tongue of many wonders;
In daylight’s hour full of plunders;
Will you tame yourself you insolent toy?
How shall we contain your deceitful ploy?
What will come of you when you take flight?
In darkness stray throughout the night.
But alas, we are together forever in endless care,
but bridle you we must to save despair.

The tongue is capable of producing, stirring, waging, and wooing many things.  Consider–for a moment–God’s take on the matter in these excerpts from the Word:

With the tongue we slander our neighbor…with the tongue we speak deceit…with the tongue we impart justice…with the tongue we sing…with the tongue we spew venom…with the tongue we divide…with the tongue we cut as with a sword…with the tongue we extol the Lord…with the tongue we boast and parade around all the land…with the tongue we shout joyfully…the tongue is parched if it doesn’t praise its Maker…with the tongue we are smooth and funny…the tongue of the righteous is choice silver…with the tongue we utter perversion…with the tongue we bring healing…with the tongue we make knowledge acceptable…with the tongue we soothe…the answer of the tongue is from the Lord…the tongue is destructive…death and life are in the power of the tongue…acquiring by a lying tongue is a fleeting vapor…a guarded tongue prevents troubles…a soft tongue breaks bones…a backbiting tongue brings an angry countenance…with the tongue we hate…with the tongue we flatter instead of rebuke…with the tongue is kindness…the tongue stammers in speech…the tongue speaks boldly…the tongue of the mute will shout for joy…the tongue accuses and judges…the tongue swears to its own hurt…the tongue mutters wickedness…the tongue is bent like a bow…the tongue is taught to speak lies…the tongue strikes…the tongue is insolent…the tongue rots…the tongue is loose…the tongue exults…the tongue praises…the tongue edifies…tongues are for a sign…the tongue is doubled…the tongue is bridled or unbridled…the tongue is untamed…the tongue is set against its body…the tongue is restless…the tongue exudes empty love…the tongue complains…the tongue shall give praise to God.”

But, what stands behind the tongue?

The good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth what is good; and the evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth what is evil; for his mouth speaks from that which fills his heart.”
Luke 6:45

So, the heart of the matter regarding the tongue…is the heart!

Where is your heart—alas, there is your tongue…where is your tongue–alas, there is your heart!

O Lord, give us clean hearts…hearts who look to Christ in faith. Amen.

— August 29, 2019