Stone Upon Stone…

Like a city that is broken into and without walls
Is a man who has no control over his spirit.

Proverbs 25:28

Building a sufficient defense around a city or town calls for particular resources. The bare minimum requirements are stones, hauling equipment, manpower to move and stack, and skill to mix and strategically place the stones.

The entire process could take months, years, or even lifetimes. However, the desired end is the same, namely, protection from invaders.

Without a defense strategy, a city (or state or nation) offers no security to its inhabitants. In this situation, the people live in fear and apprehension, resulting in chaos.

While our modern society no longer faces threats requiring a physically formidable stonewall of defense, protection is still needed. This is also a metaphor that applies to our spiritual life as well.

When we examine our spiritual lives in light of this metaphor, we understand that our “wall of protection” is self-control. While the principle is evident and straightforward, its application is not easy.

Is there ever a time to “let your guard down” with self-control?

We would all agree that the answer is no. So then, why is it so easy to lose it? I believe the answer lies in forgetting how long it takes to develop self-control.

We wish it happened overnight, but it doesn’t. Just like a stonewall takes time to build, so too does self-control.

How Does This Apply To Us Today?

  1. Understanding the impact of no self-control…
  2. Leads to a long-range vision for self-control.

No Self-Control

Have you ever seen someone lose their temper? Have you ever lost your temper? I remember watching a driver lose his mind in road rage. It was both a pity and a shame. Finally, he accomplished his expression mission, but he must have been exhausted from achieving it.

At the moment, anger, indulgence, and giving over to temptation are satisfying, but it turns sour sooner than we realize. Our minds and hearts suffer consequences, and so do those we are called to serve, shepherd, care for, and love.

Long-Range Vision

Doug Wilson commented, “When you are parenting your kids, you are parenting your grandchildren.” What Wilson understood is what a long-range vision of self-control understands. Self-control tied to long-range vision elevates the purpose beyond the present moment of struggle or temptation to a larger picture and broader audience.

A vision for self-control that goes beyond our momentary circumstances informs and validates our commitment in the face of challenge and slow progress.

The Bad News

We can’t do this alone.

The Good News

Jesus did. Never did our Lord lose self-control. On the contrary, his life offered a perfect and acceptable sacrifice of self-control to the Father. So that now, by faith in Him and through the power of His Spirit, we can maintain self-control. God has also provided the Christian with the community to encourage and equip us during times of difficulty.

How are you doing with self-control?

Brick-by-brick and stone-by-stone, we can build upon and maintain our spiritual defense through walking in self-control. And when we fail, we have a Savior who can redeem and reconcile and make straight the crooked paths we’ve walked. Glory to Him!

— May 26, 2022