The Feeling of A Next Generation…


“…altruistic and transcendent notions of life that motivate, inform, and guide a sense of belonging, investment, and purpose.”

Let me translate this statement…

First, altruistic is a word that simply means a type of forgoing of personal interest for the interest or well-being of others (as a whole, group, etc.).

Second, transcendent means something or an idea that is bigger than any one person or group.

We are living in a culture of extreme emotions. Whereas once upon a time our lives were often dictated by our circumstances, and that meant generations were generally subjected to their environment (and they didn’t really know any difference). Their impact was not felt globally, their lives were most often lived in obscurity and–depending upon the circumstances–difficulty. The average person could not collaborate with a diverse group, because there simply wasn’t a means of crossing the intrinsic barriers imposed upon them. They had built-in walls of society whether they knew it or not. It wasn’t until technology that the human was able to expand and explore.

Today, technology has not only allowed for crazy-intense exploration, but also the removal of cultural barriers. People today are simply able to collaborate like never before, which has led to exponential growth in technology–among a myriad different facets–and enjoyments of life like never before (travel, learning, creativity, etc.).

As a result, among these many changes, one change begins to stand above the rest–influence. In the past, emotions felt by and experienced by a common person were never given a venue for expression, which meant that influence was only achieved and dictated by those who were in power. In effect today, technology has turned power on its head, and has now provided a venue for expression and thus influence in ways never before imagined. This has had incredible benefits, and has led to the unveiling of many evils and ills that were otherwise hidden and swept under the rug. We should be thankful–as many are–for this development and use of technology in this regard.

However, there are lags in technology that need to be considered as it pertains to a person simply being a person. The common individual has much more information now to manage as a result of the inundation of emotional expression and desire for influence. For instance, media uses technology to influence perceptions, companies use technology to influence pocket books, entertainment uses technology to influence attitude, politics use technology to influence votes, etc. etc.

So, what has this to do the Feeling of A Next Generation?

Much. Many things. First, a next generation is not as gullible, not as trustworthy, and are tired of the same old messages seeking to influence them. Second, a next generation is going outside of their individual experience, and they are desiring something greater to find their purpose, their life investment, and belonging. In other words, technology has provided the means for a next generation to seek good outside themselves, to champion a cause bigger than themselves, and to invest their lives belonging to those who remain on this quest, because they have seen that this world is much bigger, much more profound, and full of untapped potential and resources.

So, who will influence A Next Generation?

Those who are willing to:

  1. Build relationships.
  2. Ask questions and listen.
  3. Guide with attention to answering WHY before WHAT.
— November 11, 2016