Christ Had to Die – Part 20


Moses, the rescued baby, royally raised, murdering fugitive, and now marked man is about to face the greatest challenge of his life. For the last 40 years he has served faithfully as a shepherd, but is now about to embark upon a journey of epic proportions.

“Now Moses was pasturing the flock…the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a blazing fire from the midst of a bush…”
Exodus 3:1-2

His life will never be the same. God has once again penetrated the veil of His creation, and in a miraculous way, zeroed in on His vessel of redemption. The canvas of God’s storyline is exploding with glorious hues of color. God has come, and He has selected a vessel to carry out His plan. This man, Moses, was not a man chosen because of his righteousness or built-in glory. No, no, this man was a man like us, a broken man. His life was one of triumph, tragedy, but nevertheless, preparation. God first humbled him before He used him for the mission that was in store. And so it is with all of us. God will not use a man or woman in his or her pride. He must first humble them before He can through them show Himself powerful. God will not share His glory.

Therefore, come now, and I will send you to Pharaoh, so that you may bring My people, the sons of Israel, out of Egypt.” But Moses said to God, “Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh, and that I should bring the sons of Israel out of Egypt?…What shall I say to them?” God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM”; and He said, “Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’”
Exodus 3:10-11,13

The God of heaven and earth, the Creator God, the eternal God moved through space and time and commissioned this broken man with a task far too great for any human. And so, God’s instructions: inform them that the covenant-keeping God is moving on their behalf. The Jewish people, now numbering in the millions, has the one true God acting on their behalf, and the man to bring this liberation from Egyptian tyranny is none other than the man who was raised as an Egyptian. Oh, the irony and ingenuity of God’s work. The Pharaoh whose method to eradicate the Jewish people became the method to save them. Moses, the baby plucked from the Nile, has become the man who will (by the power of God), pluck His people from Egypt. Oh, the wonders and workings of God.

Do you ever question why God allows certain things in your life? Do you ever wonder if God will ever use you–even though you have committed sins too bizarre and grievous to admit? Do you wonder how God can make good something in your life that seems so bad?

You might not be used as a redeemer for Israel, but what if you started to believe that you could be a testimony of God’s redemption to others?

What if you believed that God could take your life and give it purpose for expanding the mission of the gospel? The message that God has made a way for broken humans where there otherwise was no way through the person and work of His Son, Jesus Christ? What if your life explained to everyone you know that in your brokenness you have been made whole through your faith in the unbroken Savior, Jesus Christ? What if you let the world know that God took what seemed like a mess with no hope to a life of peace and hope in the God who made you? What if you didn’t let set backs distract you from your mission of loving as Christ loved you, forgiving as Christ forgave you, and fighting for the broken as Christ fought for you in your brokenness?

What if?

And that’s exactly why Christ had to die…which we will see more vividly as the storyline of the Bible continues to unfold. But for now, consider Moses, the burning bush, the call to a journey much bigger than him, and despite his previous sinful life, now useful and humbled before God. Consider Moses…

— November 25, 2016