That I May Live…

“May Your compassion come to me that I may live, for Your law is my delight.”
Psalm 119:77

Recently, my daughter came across an SPCA commercial that evoked a deep and sincere response. Immediately upon seeing animals in horrific conditions, her countenance was changed. She went from easy-going conversation to misery for those poor animals.

What was it inside of her that clicked?

It was compassion.

What is compassion?

Compassion is that deep-seated emotional response to help those who cannot help themselves.

When my daughter saw those animals in deplorable conditions, unable to help themselves, something was triggered within her that she couldn’t shake.

How Does This Apply To Us Today?

Compassion originates in God. It is part of His nature and is profoundly expressed to His people.

Understanding this, the Psalmist above seeks God’s compassion to sustain his life. However, he clarifies an aspect of God’s compassion that relates to us today when he said, “…for Your law is my delight.”

How is the Law related to compassion, and therefore, is the Psalmist’s delight?

  • God is eternally holy.
  • After the Fall, mankind was unable to be in the presence of God, who is eternally holy.
  • Therefore, man left to himself is eternally removed from God’s presence unless God provides a solution.

Enter the Law.

The Law was God’s provision under the Old Covenant of bringing fallen mankind into God’s presence and fellowship, i.e., God’s compassion expressed to mankind.

However, the Law only revealed man’s greater need and pointed to a greater Solution: God’s Son.

Enter Jesus Christ.

Christ’s life, death, and resurrection fulfilled the Law by meeting its demands, suffering under its curse, and offering its blessings to those who receive Christ in faith.

Thus, Christ is the Word made flesh…the Law fulfilled…and the essential expression of God’s compassion for all mankind!


— October 26, 2023