Christ Had to Die – Part 53

In our series of Why Christ Had to Die, we’ve seen the biblical story unfold with its highs and lows, its triumphs and tragedies, and its evil and righteousness. The canvas hues have changed from resplendent colors in the Garden of Eden to the grays and dark colors of night with man’s evil heart. The splendor of man has been wonderfully displayed in creation, as well as remarkably desecrated in his rebellion. Nevertheless, God. God’s hand has guided, God’s hand has upheld, God’s hand has trained, and God’s hand has redeemed. And His hand–as the Sacred Surgeon–has sliced through to make a way where there was no way. The storyline has revealed His care, His compassion, and His provision. And as His people are about to enter their promised land, He supplies cities of refuge.

“The cities which you shall give to the Levites shall be the six cities of refuge, which you shall give for the manslayer to flee to; and in addition to them you shall give forty-two cities.”
Numbers 35:6

The word, refuge, here is the Hebrew word, מִקְלָט (pronounced: miqlat), and it generally means safe haven or asylum from harm. In this case, it’s a place for those who have committed an accidental act that led to another’s death to be handled rightly. In an ancient culture of might-makes-right a man–guilty or innocent–would simply have little hope for justice. He would be dealt with according to vengeance despite truth. However, in the midst of a culture gone made God provides a place of mercy, justice, and safety. They are not alone, God organizes safe havens for them. Incredible. And it’s another why Christ had to die.


The cities weren’t meant to last forever, the places of refuge couldn’t support the myriad droves of people needing justice, and so God sent forth His Son.

How Does This Apply To Us Today?

  1. God’s love for His creation was such that He provided the ultimate and eternal refuge for justice, mercy, and safety in His Son, Jesus Christ. In your fear, do you flee to Him?
  2. God delights in making Himself known through His Word specifically and through His creation generally so that all people will hear or grope for Him. God is speaking, do you hear Him?
  3. You are loved. Not because of what you have or have not done, but because you are you. God loves you, and His Son provides the only way to be reconciled to Him. In your doubt, do you dare to draw near?

Come home, weary pilgrim, come home. With Him is rest…with Him is peace…with Him is safety. Flee to the arms of the Savior…they are always open.

— March 9, 2018