Sow & Sleep…

Drew, life comes in seasons,” says a dear friend and mentor of mine. His words are welcome, and they are tried. He doesn’t speak only from gain (of which he has abundance), but he also speaks from loss and tragedy and heartache. Despite this, he remains steadfast and immovable. His family and marriage are not a wreck, but rather a testimony to God’s provision in the midst of chaos and confusion. This friend of mine doesn’t speak hurriedly or in haste, but instead with a calm assurance of God’s careful guidance and a dependence upon His Word. And so, I listen. I take note. I remember what he often says to me, “Drew, life comes in seasons.” And yes, it most certainly does.

My season is different than yours, but we’re all still in a season nevertheless. Personally, I’m winding down my formal educational commitments. I’m looking back at the three little sprouts (daughters) that God has given to me and my wife, and I am in awe of their development as young ladies. I’m hopeful that the best is yet to come, and so I continue in the things that are true, good, and beautiful.

One of those things for me is a life of ministry. Whether I’m paid or not to do so, as a Christian this is what we do. We’re not simply saved from our sin to soak in our salvation, but rather to be conduits of the salvation that we have so freely received. However, if you’re like me, your seasons change and present different challenges for ministry. Maybe it’s a distracted season, and ministry for you is, “…that’s what I used to do.” Maybe you’re suffering loss and having trouble making your way through the days that seem to never end. Perhaps you’re in a season of confusion, and you’re wondering, “God, where are you?” In any event, maybe ministry seems like a distant second or third. However, let it be known that wherever you are, you’re not alone, and the Bible has something to say about how we can invest in ministry no matter the season…

“And He was saying, “The kingdom of God is like a man who casts seed upon the soil; and he goes to bed at night and gets up by day, and the seed sprouts and grows—how, he himself does not know. The soil produces crops by itself; first the blade, then the head, then the mature grain in the head. But when the crop permits, he immediately puts in the sickle, because the harvest has come.”
Mark 4:26-29

Jesus is teaching His disciples about the mystery of the kingdom of God. He engages in parables that would easily be understood for their simplicity and familiarity. Here, Jesus simply states an obvious process that every farmer participates in as he prepares to feed his family. The farmer of all people knows his role within the sowing and harvesting of seed and grain, and so Jesus uses him as an example to demonstrate the ministry work of the kingdom.

Notice several things…

  • The farmer doesn’t take credit for the harvest
  • The farmer doesn’t boast in the harvest


  • The farmer casts…sleeps…arises to determine the state of the grain…and then begins the harvest when it’s time.

In other words, the farmer sows and the farmer sleeps…the farmer sows and the farmer sleeps…the farmer sows and the farmer sleeps, until the crop is ready for harvest, and then he puts in the sickle or blade to cut off the determined grain for harvest. Beautiful.

How Does This Apply To Us Today?

Another good friend of mine recently coined a phrase regarding ministry by saying, “Ministry is a life of sowing and sleeping.” And so, what season are you in? Recognize it, respect it, and redeem it.


Sowing and sleeping. Sowing and sleeping. Sowing and sleeping.

Sow the Word of God in your life regularly…sow the Word of God in other’s lives regularly, and trust God to cause the growth. Then, be ready for the harvest. This is the life of ministry.

Glory to our God…He has allowed us to impact eternity by simply being conduits of His Truth as we sow and we sleep. We act and we rest. We engage and we trust. Glory!

— April 13, 2018