Christ Had To Die – Part 57

The biblical storyline moves along. The characters in the story are different. Nevertheless, there is the all-sustaining, all-knowing, and all-powerful God standing behind, before, beneath, and around this mass of people. From the time of their liberation, they have had a mission–kingdom of priests to the nations. However, they have yet to possess a land through which this kingdom may be manifested. Now, on the eve of entering Canaan (this promised land), Moses prepares to recount (Deuteronomy–Second Law) the covenant parameters for maintaining fellowship with the Creator-God, the disposition of kingdom-dwellers, as well as their legacy up to this point. Never have they been without provision, never have they been abandoned, never have they had to seduce, manipulate, or conjure up God. No, no, His promises are based upon His character and not their performance. Having said that, however, their actions still matter. In fact, their actions do more than just demonstrate that they have truly placed their trust in this covenant-keeping God, but also proclaim to the surrounding nations the greatness of their God. In other words, their actions of following through with the covenant-stipulations in one sense manifests their faith, and in another sense proselytizes the nations.

“See, I have taught you statutes and judgments just as the Lord my God commanded me, that you should do thus in the land where you are entering to possess it. So keep and do them, for that is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the peoples who will hear all these statutes and say, ‘Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.’ For what great nation is there that has a god so near to it as is the Lord our God whenever we call on Him? Or what great nation is there that has statutes and judgments as righteous as this whole law which I am setting before you today?”
Deuteronomy 4:5-8

Their actions mattered then, and our actions matter today. And that is precisely another reason why Christ Had To Die…

How Does This Apply To Us Today?

For the Israelites of old, their faithfulness to God through keeping His Law was directly related to their immediate and physical blessings or curses. In other words, under the Old Law Covenant–before the first Advent of Christ–there was an order that God ordained whereby the people of God would be materially, politically, and militarily blessed as they obeyed His Law, and on the other hand as they disobeyed, they would be materially, politically, and militarily cursed. There were the seasonal feasts, festivals, sacrifices, and rituals that the people of God followed in demonstration of their faith, and with that there would have been such bountiful and immediate blessings that the nations would scratch their heads in wonder and awe of their great God! They walked in faith, and they proselytized with their walk (keeping God’s Law). And Moses went to great pains for them to know and live this reality.

For us today, our faithfulness to God through keeping His Law is not directly related to immediate and physical blessings or curses. We may want the opportunity to fall in-line with the way of the Old Covenant–where obedience equaled immediate and physical blessings, but after Christ’s first Advent everything changed. We might (personally and nationally) experience physical, political, and military blessings, but those are not based upon–nor a direct result of–our keeping God’s covenant (Laws). In other words, we may want to have a blessings standard whereby our doing good, keeping in-line with God’s Word, and making godly choices gives us immediate and tangible blessings, but it’s just not the way it is.

Why not?

  1. Neither you nor I could ever obey the Laws of God fully, consistently, and perfectly. Therefore, we would also have to accept the curses of disobedience, as well as the blessings. And because we don’t ever keep the letter of the Law perfectly, we would always be cursed. Ouch.
    • To prove humankind’s proclivity of failing to keeping God’s Law, take a simple survey of the Old Testament (or history), and you will see this to be the case of God’s people in every generation. What about your own life of Law-keeping? Mine?
    • But, there’s good news… “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law, having become a curse for us…” Galatians 3:13
  2. Therefore, only God could maintain a life of blessing wrought through perfect, full, and consistent obedience to His Law.
    • Which is exactly why God sent forth His Son, born under the Law in order to redeem (or buy back those who are incapable of keeping the law) those who are born under the law.
  3. And thus, because Jesus satisfied the Law’s requirements, He satisfied the immediate blessings and curses evaluation, and instead He promises future blessings (to the faithful Christian) to be given after His second Advent.
    • In other words, the life of those who place their faith in Christ are not promised blessings now as a result of faithfully living out their faith, but rather promised blessings in the future. You may experience blessings now, but it’s not because you kept God’s law–nor because you sacrificed so much for God. Your lasting blessings are to come…
  4. But, our actions today still matter…and do even have immediate consequences…

What are promises for today as a result of faithful living? Here’s a sample…

  1. Persecution. The world hates God. It hates everything about Him. And as we faithfully live out our faith in this world, there is the real potential that we will be despised, mocked, scorned, ridiculed, oppressed, sequestered, isolated, and even killed. “Indeed all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.” 2 Timothy 3:12
    • Now, for those who are not facing persecution, it doesn’t mean that you’re not being faithful or are comprising your faith. It could. But, in many cases it doesn’t. Instead, you might be living out your faith in a season or context where persecution has been stayed. We can’t know why exactly this is the case (many theories will be floated around), but for many in the world today it simply is. But, it’s not guaranteed, and it’s not because someone earned it. Seasons of calm come, and seasons of calm go. “…for He [God] causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.” Matthew 5:45b.
  2. Hope. One day…one glorious day…God will not only make right all the wrongs, but will also reward you for your faithfulness to Him and the building up of His Church.
    • How many people live without hope? Too many to count. In fact, in many ways depression is the silent killer in our world today. And so, the Christian has the gospel promise of hope that one’s life is not in vain…

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.”
1 Corinthians 15:58

Therefore, what are we called to do in either a season of persecution or calm?

We press on. We stay faithful. We confess our sin. We trust God. We share Christ with lost. We disciple. We build into and up the body of Christ. We meditate upon His Word. We seek His face in prayer. We rest. We remember always that God causes growth–not us.

The final analysis is yet to be determined. The righteous Judge is coming back. And so, we keep climbing. The mountain top is ahead…and the other side is more glorious than anyone can imagine. Glory!

— May 4, 2018