A Love Without End…Amen.

“Grandchildren are the crown of old men, and the glory of sons is their fathers.”
Proverbs 17:6


[Picture of dad on 8.16.18 in his rehab room after breaking his hip on a bicycle crash]


Not everyone grows up experiencing love from their father. Moreover, not everyone even grows up with a father present. By God’s grace, my father was present and he loved me (and my family). While his journey as a father hasn’t been ideal–even trying in some seasons–he has nevertheless shown and lived in front of his family an enduring love for God and His Word, how to walk in grace, and to remain a faithful presence in a local church.

Growing up (and even into my adult years), he was my go to for Bible questions. He reads wide and he reads deep. Not only did his love of learning trickle down to me, but so did his discipline in not settling on what seems to be just an easy answer–for anything. He pushed me to dig and to refine and to look up. He promoted self-discovery, and I’m forever grateful.

As I mentioned, there have been tough seasons for him as a father, but God’s grace and His truth remained to be evident and experienced. And it is into this beauty that I declare, one particular glory as a son is my father.

How Does This Apply To Us Today?

  1. Focus on modeling what you believe.
    • A life of consistency doesn’t mean a life of perfection. However, it does mean that your consistent patterns are what will leave the lasting impression. Strive for consistency in the right things, and when you fail admit it, ask for forgiveness, and point the offended to the One (Christ) who is the means and basis of forgiveness.
  2. Focus on the patterns and not one-off actions.
    • It’s quite easy for a child (or a parent) to base their parent’s (or their own) effectiveness on selective actions or decisions. Don’t let that happen. Let the seasons of life come and go, then you will be able to truly assess effectiveness.
  3. Focus on the long-haul.
    • How you finish will be more often remembered than how you started. It’s easy to get things going, but to finish is a whole different challenge. Focus on finishing well.
  4. Focus on your relationship with the One true Father.
    • Your life as a father to sons will matter, but will only be as deep as your love and relationship is with the everlasting Father. Strive to be a David, a man after God’s own heart.

May the Lord bless you–fathers to sons–may He keep you, and may His face shine upon you.

Amen and Amen.

— August 17, 2018