Life-Lessons from Creation: The Turtle

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Picture this:

A turtle

Well, not just any turtle…

This turtle that I want you to picture is different…

It’s not your normal turtle…

No, no…there’s something unique about it…something different…

At first, you wonder if it’s even a turtle…

But, after a second glance, you know for sure it’s a turtle…

Your eyes have moved across its pointy noise and sharp-finger-nailed-webbed-feet…and you’re positive it’s a turtle…

But, still…there’s something missing…something’s off…

“Ah, yes…”, you say. This little turtle is missing a shell…

Not only this, it’s twisting and spinning all across the field whereinto you walked…

You’re laughing to yourself, and you’re thinking, “This little turtle thinks it’s a ballerina…”

You’re also thinking, “We’re outside…in a field where predators live…it’s not safe.” You know this, because you just saw a hawk nearby swooping in and out of another field looking for prey. You think, “…this little-pirouette-ing gentle-fun-loving-reptile better get back in its shell before it’s too late.”

But, still it remains bent on galavanting across the open field–shell-less and fancy free.

Principles from the story…

  • Turtles who don’t think they need their shells are highly vulnerable to an early and unfortunate end…
  • Thus, a shell on a turtle–while slowing down and keeping it from its so-called freedom–actually serves to protect and prolong the life of its inhabitant.


  1. In the wisdom of God, He provided a shell for a turtle to…
    • Protect it…from its predators…
    • Provide for it…he can eat because he’s alive…
    • Portray the beauty of His design
  2. In the wisdom of God, He provides shells for His followers too. Shells that also…
    • Protect us…
    • Provide for us…
    • Portray the beauty of God…

There’s no questioning the fact that a turtle has the skill, the ability, and the proficiency to be fast. Ever seen a turtle swim? Ever seen a turtle snap at a minnow? In their environment and appropriate context they’re a beautiful testament to God’s design and intention for them.

However, it gets real awkward and even dangerous for the little turtle when it wants to exchange its design for what it thinks is best…

Bottom line…

  • God has given each of us shells to not only endure, but to embrace.
  • Some shells are temporary and circumstantial that God is using to produce patient endurance in us.
  • Some shells are permanent and necessary for our ongoing sanctification. See also Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:9. Our response to this should not be rebellion and bitterness, but instead submission to the will of a loving, all-wise Father who is both righteous and good.
  • Wisdom found in His Word, in a multitude of trusted counselors will help you know the difference between permanent and temporary shells.
  • Before jumping quickly out of your so-called shell(s), consider what God might be teaching you in the present…
  • God is not looking for His followers to be builders of their own kingdoms in their own images, but builders of His kingdom–to bear His image.

What are your shells in life? Tough job? Tough marriage? Tough relationship? Tough ministry? Tough financial situation? Tough _____?

Read THIS as one resource as you pray for God’s wisdom…

— May 31, 2019