The Inexorable…

The thing thanklessly endured. Often, without fail. Its motions inch along grinding forward inexorably. It waits for no one. It flutters not. Its persuasions are blind. To see is to not exist. Click. Tick. Tock. It moves. Respecter of no person. Infatuated with no beauty. Appeased by no gift. Passing through every emotion.

All the while, mending wounds. Restoring lost loves. Smoothing difficult paths. Soothing painful moments. Ever present. Quickly gone. Harnessed by contraptions, but not brought under control. Having a beginning and having an end. But not having ambition.

Yet, its advance is in subjection. Its actions are obedient. Never alone. Never unhindered. Faithful to its Master. Accomplishing His Will.

What is this entity…this thing?

It is time, the inexorable. We all live with it. We all live alongside it.

The question is…do we invest it or spend it?

My old mentor, Bob McKenzie would often ask me, “Drew…are you investing or spending your time.” What he was getting at was, “…are you intentional or are you flippant? Are you responding to life or are you reacting?” Good questions from a good man.

A good question for all of us today…

How are you and time doing? Are you investing or spending? A little of both. Me too! But, we all need prodding…reminding…accountability…to invest.

For, before we know it…poof. Our time on earth is gone. Yet, the inexorable marches on…to its destination…to its Source…to its Maker…to God.

God stands above, outside, and beyond time. Yet, He invades time and gives us the strength to see beyond the moment…beyond the navel gaze…and into the faraway gaze. He gives us sight to see in the great beyond…across the Jordan River…into Beulah Land…into the Kingdom of God. Where the Maker of time is storing up for His people through their lives rewards that neither moth nor rust–nor time–can destroy.

And so, I’ll invest…I’ll struggle well investing…my life into the eternal, where God bottles time and holds it in His hands.

Will you join me?

“So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom.”
Psalm 90:12
“See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.
Ephesians 5:15-16

— March 6, 2020