My God. My Hope.

My God. My Hope. You are the God who knows.

My Lord and my King, You are the one who sets our feet upon the mountain tops.

My strong tower and my deliver, I praise You for Thy mighty hand of power.

Even unto the night, I will remember Your unfailing compassion and mercy.

When I rise I will sing of Your steadfast love and Your joy unending.

It is You, my God, who grants blessing upon blessing to Him whose heart is set on You.

From everlasting to everlasting Your kindness grants me life.

You will not let the prideful endure, but upon Your children You will raise to new heights.

My Lord and my God, I will always remember how you removed me from the pits of discouragement. It is you who put a new song in my mouth, and it is you that raised my head and reminded me that I’m never alone.

I will not forget how you removed the old man and gave me a new heart that is devoted to You.

It was Your Spirit that brought me near, it is Your Spirit that holds me now.

I will praise You my God for Thou art the holder of the weak.

You are the One who has stayed the enemy,

You are the One who has cast down those who defile Your throne.

It is You, O God, who will raise up a generation to praise You forever more.

I will sing of Your great love and Your unfailing lovingkindness.

In You alone I will stand and in You alone will I boast.

My God and my King, I praise Thee for knowing me.

My God. My Hope.

“When I remember You on my bed, I meditate on You in the night watches…”
Psalm 63:6

— May 29, 2020