Desire for Discipleship.

And just like that…a new season begins in the GAP Program here at Denton Bible Church. This year–2020–we have young adults from all over the country…Ohio, North Carolina, Vermont, Colorado, and Texas.

One thing remains the same…they have a hunger to impact and influence their generation for Christ. They’re here because they want to be…they have a desire for discipleship.

In many ways, they’re an inspiration to me. As the GAP Director, there are many plates that need to be juggled, but above all is a heart for discipleship. If we don’t disciple, we don’t succeed. True Success isn’t that the guys–at the end of 9-months in the GAP Program–look the same or look like me.

What is True Success in discipleship?

True Success is that these men…

  1. Possess a biblical love for Christ…
  2. Accept who they are in Christ…
  3. Walk in biblical humility as in the steps of Christ…

Pray for us.


I looked for a man from among them who would repair the wall and stand in the gap before me…”
Ezekiel 22:30a

— September 4, 2020