The Princess & the Mirror

Image by SvetlanaKv from Pixabay

As the evening came to a close, and the coolness of a summer night began to fall, our family–as we always do–started to settle into our nightly routine–as it is with everyone when the onset of sleep brings about the completion of yet another day.

This night, however–for a variety of reasons–was different than many other nights before…

We had just watched in amazement as fireflies danced and streamed their way through the settling of dusk. We had just eaten a soul-comforting stomach-filling dutch-oven-cooked meal. We had just hiked through rugged terrain and traversed switch-backed trails to see panoramic vistas and a picturesque waterfall.

And now, we were all together–comfortable and sound–under cover of a water-tight canvas tent snuggled in side by side as a family. It just so happened that our campsite was also situated inside the Smoky Mountains next to the Little Pigeon river whose sights and sounds far exceeded any sound machine or framed picture. And so, as the river rushed along right outside our tent across rocks and boulders, and as the crickets and frogs sang out into the night something happened.

All of a sudden–as sleep was beginning to take its toll–the unexpected took place…

One of my daughters rolled over and said, “Daddy…Daddy?” I said, “Yes, sweetie.”

“Daddy, why does God want us to give Him glory? Isn’t that selfish?”

I was somewhat taken back by the question. It seemed a little random, and a little ill-timed…as I was just about asleep. But, I couldn’t plead for sleep now…

And so, I sat there for a second and thought to myself, “…what a probing, innocent, and insightful question…moments like these don’t come very often…you better not dismiss her question.”  Then I gathered my thoughts and told her a story…

I said to my little girl…

“…there was once a little girl who was beautiful and kind just like you… 

…One day, she decided to paint something special…something she loved. She decided to paint a princess. So, she got out all her paints, as well as her crisp and clean canvas and started painting. It took her a long time, but she finally finished painting the princess just the way she wanted her to look. She had flowing red hair, a beautiful smile, a long and elegant dress, and a jewel-filled crown on top of her head.

Well, as soon as she finished painting the princess, she decided to paint something else. You know what else she painted? She painted a mirror. Not just any mirror, but a floor length mirror. This talented little girl situated the mirror in her painting next to the princess so it would look like the princess was looking at herself into her very own mirror. 

And then, all of a sudden…the canvas started to move…the little girl jumped back away. No sooner had she jumped back, than the princess and the mirror came to life. They really had come to life, and the little girl couldn’t believe it. She was so excited…she was going to be able to play with a real princess that she had made!

But you know what happened next, I said to my daughter? What, she said?

The princess didn’t look at the little girl at all. She didn’t even talk to her. To her surprise and sadness, the princess only looked into the mirror at herself. She would smile in the mirror, turn her head in the mirror, and situate her crown and dress in the mirror…all day…all day looking at herself.

The little girl was so saddened by the actions of the princess. She was confused, and said to herself, “…how could something I’ve made not at least acknowledge that I made it?”

And that’s when I began to explain to my little daughter the truths from this story. 

  • God gave us life…both physically and spiritually–sort of like the little girl in the story who painted the princess.
  • And since God gave us life and made us, then everything we have is a gift from God.
  • Thus, our primary purpose is to give glory and thanksgiving and praise to the One who created us. 
  • God is therefore, not selfish, but benevolent (kind). He is the great Gift-Giver, and we are the great glory-lifters!

“Everyone who is called by My name,
And whom I have created for My glory,
Whom I have formed, even whom I have made.”
Isaiah 43:7

— July 26, 2019