The Next Generation(s)…

On May 21, 2019, a little spark that had been flickering for years suddenly ignited into a flame that has yet to be extinguished. The beginning of the GAP Program was the beginning of a mission of intentionally and sacrificially investing into a life-on-life discipleship of the next generation.

For 9-months countless men and women from Denton Bible Church and beyond have poured their time, talent, treasure, and trust into 6 recent high school graduates.

The picture above is the culmination of these 6 student’s discipleship process. It is a picture of 3 of the 6 students orienteering in the woods of Oklahoma competing for the Golden Compass and Lone Survivor awards in the 1st Annual GAP Survival Retreat. It was the capstone of training in life-leadership, Bible, and Christian worldview.

Week after week these students were pushed to their limits, held to a standard, and given opportunity after opportunity to learn life. They faced early mornings, late nights, countless hours of teaching, life-skills training, public presentations, and much much more. All in all, this first year far exceeded my expectations. I love these young men, and I believe that the best is yet to come!

They have reached the end of their course, and now they are looking ahead to the next season.

And it is into this new season that I pray a blessing over them…

“The Lord bless you, and keep you; the Lord make His face shine on you,
and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance on you,
and give you peace.’”
Numbers 6:24-26

— May 8, 2020