The Oak & The Cedar

One day, two trees struck up a conversation.

The first tree was a magnificent oak. His branches stretched far and they spread wide. His canopy shaded the earth as clouds seemed to cover the sea. His ancient and broad trunk was the envy of surrounding trees, and it seemed to gain strength year-by-year.

The second tree was an old growth cedar whose tip reached high into the heavens. His needles were dense and provided homes for many of the forest creatures. He had such height that he could see beyond the forest and into the far reaches of the land beyond the rivers.

The conversation began as most conversations do–a simple greeting and a question.

The Oak: “Hello Cedar.”

The Cedar: “Hello Oak.”

The Oak: “What do you see, ancient cedar?”

The Cedar: “I see many things.”

The Oak: “Yes, but what is beyond the forest and into the land beyond the rivers?”

The Cedar: “It’s hard to say. I see things I’ve never seen before.”

The Oak: “What do they look like?”

The Cedar: “They are brown and yellow.”

The Oak: “Brown and yellow?” Are they animals or are they trees?

The Cedar: “Neither. But, there is much commotion.”

The Oak: “Is there reason for concern?”

The Cedar: “Oh no. We are covered by many miles of forest. There is nothing to fear.”

The Oak: “Oh, ancient cedar, I do not fear for my life. I only ask, because I fear for yours.”

The Cedar: “Why, mighty oak, do you fear for me?”

The Oak: “Well, you are the tallest of all trees, and your trunk is straighter than any in the forest. You are a prime target for many homes and structures.”

The Cedar: “True, mighty oak. But, you shouldn’t look past your expansive trunk with all its character. Perhaps many a furniture maker would be making their way through all the smaller and weaker trees until they found you.”

The moral of this story…

Our strengths can quickly become our weaknesses if we are not humbled by our realities.

“When pride comes, then comes dishonor, but with the humble is wisdom.”
Proverbs 11:2

— May 15, 2020