Christmas is…

Family. Friends. Memories. Music. Savory and sweet smells. Glowing lights. Diverse foods. Wood fires. Smiles from ear to ear. Squeals and shrieks. Laughter. Anticipation. Memories.

A glorious season. Magical. Mysterious. Nostalgic. Rose-colored.

Heartache. Loss. Sadness. Memories. Tears. Memories.

Myriad emotions swirl about this time of year…their spectrum depends upon the life and experiences.

Still, what stands behind and beneath this season is a far greater reality.

A singular moment wrapped in a cloth to recreate the womb. What weakness. What need.

This is Christmas.

God’s limiting of Himself in order that mankind would not have limits in their relationship with Him.

A virgin. A baby. A manger. A mystery.




God has pierced the dark clouds of man’s rebellion. He has given light. A new world. A new humanity. Because of a baby.


The response?

“And Mary said: “My soul exalts the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior.” – Luke 1:46-47

— December 23, 2021